Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010--Joe Biden Is Right

Briefly today--

Some in the media are having fun at Joe Biden's expense. During yesterday's bill signing ceremony, his microphone was open and he was heard to say to President Obama that the passage of health care reform was a "F@#*king big deal."

And it wasn't?

It was also a political f@#*king big deal. If you've been wondering why the Republicans have been doing everything they can to derail it, even yesterday, the day it became law, taking steps to get the courts to declare it unconstitutional, while at the same time claiming its passage would be Obama's and the Democrats' "Waterloo"--if it is, why wouldn't they be gleeful instead of so upset it passed?

For the answer, check the latest Gallup Poll reported in the Washington Post (linked below).

Within 24 hours of the bill's passage, those Americans seeing it to be a good thing jumped by 10 percentage points so that now 50% are viewing it positively. And once the actual benefits kick in, and the lies about death panels and cuts in Medicare and how everyone will have to pay higher taxes (actually, only the top 2% or earners will), when the public realizes that their prescription drugs donut hole is beginning to close and small businesses will begin immediately to get up to 35% in tax credits for what they pay for health insurance for their employees, it might be that the Republicans' glee about how they will romp in the November elections will turn out to be as big a fantasy as the fears they have been working so hard to cynically engender among anxious Americans.

Wouldn't that be rich.


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