Friday, June 17, 2011

June 17, 2011--Gov. Rick Perry: God's Plan

As Republican Party leaders scramble to convince other, more potent candidates to enter the presidential sweepstakes, the focus has turned to two governors--Chris Christie of New Jersey, the straight-talking, take-no-prisoners scourge of the state's teachers; and Rick Perry of Texas. who is recently famous for attempts to organize an anti-gay conclave of governors and religious leaders.

While hanging around in an empty hall waiting for his fellow governors to arrive--only arch-conservative Sam Brownback of Kansas showed up--Perry shared some of his thoughts about the current economic crisis.

Perry says he sees a silver lining to the recession that has cost millions of families their jobs, homes, and livelihoods: it will return America to “Biblical principles” and free us from the slavery of big government:

He said:

I think in America from time to time we have to go through some difficult times--and I think we’re going through those difficult economic times for a purpose, to bring us back to those Biblical principles of you know, you don’t spend all the money. You work hard for those six years and you put up that seventh year in the warehouse to take you through the hard times. And not spending all of our money. Not asking for Pharaoh to give everything to everybody and to take care of folks because at the end of the day, it’s slavery. We become slaves to government.

I don't know about you, but from my perspective, I've finally found a candidate to get excited about. Where do I send money?


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