Friday, January 27, 2012

January 27, 2012--Jews for Newt

To attend Newt Gingrich's appearance this afternoon at a rally in Delray Beach sponsored by the Republican Jewish Coalition, to reserve a place, I had to become a member.

I told them I'm a registered Independent and they said that's OK. All I needed to do was agree to allow them to add me to their e-mail mailing list. No fees were required to become a member and I do not have to make a contribution to the Gingrich campaign. So I joined and made a reservation for Rona and me.

If Gingrich welcomes questions from the audience I have one for him that should be of interest to my fellow Jews--

"Mr. Former Speaker, since you are an historian and scholar I have a theological question for you. I am curious to know your views about the role assigned to the Jews to help bring about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ."

I suspect he will look at me skeptically and so I plan to add--

"I assume you know that tens of millions of American Christian Fundamentalists expect events leading up to the Final Days to begin during their lifetimes. The so-called premillennialist or Rapture people. As the author of 23 books I am sure you know about the Left Behind series of novels that describe all of this and are so popular that they've sold more than 70 million copies."

If Gingrich hasn't by then cut me off, wondering why the RJC let me into the auditorium, I will continue--

"Pre-millennialist thought says that before events leading to the Second Coming can commence all the Jews of the world must return to Israel and convert to Christianity."

I suspect that many in the Republican Jewish Coalition audience will begin to get restive.

"According to these Fundamentalists the Jews will then need to be in the vanguard to convince everyone else to turn to Jesus. And any who do not, including all non-converted Jews, will be condemned to eternal damnation when the Last Judgement occurs. That's what the organization Jews for jesus is about. If you believe this--and I hope you will disavow this extra-biblical teaching--isn't this subordinate role for Jews an indication that ultimately Judaism is an incomplete or false religion?"

I plan to get there early and secure an aisle seat close to where they hopefully will set up a microphone. In any case, on Monday, if I am able to pose my question, I will report back on the rally and what Gingrich says in response.


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