September 13, 2012--Midcoast: Annual Report
On the counter were copies of the 2011 town annual report. The clerk suggested we take a copy, "I think you'll find a few things of interest," she said, still smiling.
And indeed we did.
There is of course a detailed line-by-line budget, including how much was spent last year on fork lift truck maintenance at the transfer facility--affectionately still called the dump--$500; how much our breakfast place, the Bristol Diner, pays in personal property tax--$98.12; and also how much it costs to mow the school's lawn--$3,192.
Also, for prurient perusal, there is a list of all individual real estate taxes. Ours very much included, though "Rona" got listed as "Ron," even though same-sex marriage for the moment is not legal in Maine.
Checking the list we can see what our next door neighbor paid as well as everyone else we know. If you are willing to go through the entire list (37 pages worth) you can see who paid the most and who is in arrears. The latter I turned to with some trepidation, hoping it was a short list (it is) and not wanting to find anyone I know (sadly, there is at least one who has fallen on very hard times).
Then there is a wealth of other information:
Who to talk to and how much it costs to get a shellfish license. A "resident recreational" one costs $15 a year and last year a total of $555 was collected. For 15 bucks I think I'll be getting one next year. What I'll do with it is another matter.
We don't have a dog, but if we did an annual license would cost $5 for altered dogs and $11 for those who haven't been neutered. I think I get why the difference. If you're curious, the town collected a total of $1,165 in 2011, almost all of it for altered dogs.
Then there are the vital statistics--
There were 2,252 registered voters last year, 33 marriage licenses were issued, 18 babies were born (5 girls, 13 boys), and 27 deaths. A nice touch--the 27 who passed away were listed. Though I couldn't find out how much was collected in marriage license fees.
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