“She’s such a coke whore.”
“A what?” Charlie asked.
We were hanging out with him at the Boynton Beach Coffee Shop, bantering with the parade of customers buying papers, cigarettes, and lottery tickets.
“Coke whore. That's who. You're with her and all she wants is something to put up her nose. Such a slut. She’ll have sex with anyone who’ll give her any or the time of day. I mean anything. She’ll get high on a Popsicle if you give her one. Her mother? That’s a whole 'nother story. With dinner. You know what she did the other night? Not that she ever eats anything. But talk, talk, talk. That’s her middle name. About this. About that. Really nothing. Just thinks about getting high. There’s this guy who wants to have sex with me. All day, all night. Afternoons too. Tells me how cute I am. Not that he’s that bad. But I’m not into that. Don’t get me wrong—I like sex as much as any other guy. Not that I’m a guy. It’s just an expression. I know I’m cute. But not that cute. I can see you agree with me. The cute part I mean. But like I was saying, she’s such a slut. Really, a coke whore. I don’t know where this came from. I know her too long, if you ask me. Not that you did. But last year, who knows why, this person she knows showed up and the next thing you know she was willing to, well, you know. Use your imagination. Not that you need much. Imagination, I mean. Just think about it a minute. Where do you think this is headed? No place good. How old is she after all? Not your spring chicken. But still pretty cute. Cute enough, considering. Which I’m not interested in doing. Considering. But it’s better than the other thing. If you know what I mean. The other things happening. All too much. Too, too much. I tell you. Which I know I’m doing. Not that you asked, did you? You can tell me and I’ll stop. I just came in to get some smokes. You have those unfiltered Camels today? You were out the other day. I know I shouldn’t, but at least I know my limits and when to say stop. Can't say the same for her. Just stop. Stop cold. It would do her good. There’s always time for that. To say no. First of all, does she really need this? Her mother isn’t helping. Not that she could. Help, I mean. All she wants to do is stuff food into her. I understand. She’s like a twig. You can see right through her. And you know what that means. Nothing good. Nothing good about anything. Can you think what might be? Anything good? I can’t. I’m out of time. Out of gas. Out of everything. But she’s my friend and should want to try. Or did. Not really, to tell you the truth. How can I be at the end of my rope and still want to try? But I do. Makes no sense, but still I do. Not that you can believe what I’m saying. Does any of this make sense? I can tell from the way you’re looking at me that you agree. To what I can’t be sure. But that’s the way it is. Sad, no? But she seems happy. If that’s possible. You should see the last one. Most recent one. I wouldn’t let him within ten feet of me. But what are you going to do. He keeps her happy. If you can call it that. I don’t. But that’s me. What you see, as they say. Is this ticket a winner? ‘Cause if it is, I’m outta here. I’ll probably take her along. I shouldn’t but knowing me. What can I say? But if she keeps chasing after these guys, that’s it for me. Case closed. Hasta la vista amigo. If you ask me, that’s what I have to say. All of it. Said and done. I’ve got my life too. Get my point? One and only one so I should be moving on. Nice day out there, right? How many more of these are there gonna be? Just the cards they deal you. You get one play. One shot. One swing. Then it's nada. Over. I’m not putting that stuff up my nose. But like I said, she a coke whatever. Not that that’s the nicest thing to say about anyone. Your so-called friend. But the truth’s the truth. That’s my final word. About the truth being true. So slip me the smokes and one of those Lotto thingies and I'll be on my way. I need to go home and think about the money I’ll be winning on Saturday. I’ll be sure to come in to say goodbye. And then I'm off. Who knows where. Some place good, I hope. That would be nice. Nice. I could use some nice.”
And with that she was gone.
Labels: Cocaine, Drugs, Friends, Lottery, Snowbirding, South Florida
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