Thursday, January 31, 2019

January 31, 2019--Go Figure

In response to my prediction yesterday that Kamala Harris will either win the Democratic nomination for president outright or wind up on Joe Biden's ticket, a friend wrote--

Biden/Harris? Never going to happen. I don't see anyone under 40 voting for Biden at all.

Then I wrote--

It's not always easy to figure out who will vote for whom. 

Who would have thought that Trump would get 42% of the female vote and 52% of the white female vote. Or 39% of the 25-29 year old vote or 40% of the 30-39 year olds. Much less 50% of 39-50 year olds. 

Not me. 

And so I wouldn't confidently predict how many and who might vote for Biden or Biden/Harris. My guess is that he'd do quite well with everyone. But maybe not enough to win the nomination much less the election.

In response, another friend chimed in--

Let's not forget Bernie-loving folks my age and younger, and he's nearly 80.

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