Wednesday, October 23, 2019

October 23, 2019--Trump Doth Protest Too Much

First it was, "No collusion. No collusion" repeated endlessly by Trump as he attempted to squirm out of the charge that he colluded with the Russian in an attempt to rig the 2016 election.

I'm sure some wonk blogger came up with the exact number of times Trump robotically invoked it. Many hundreds of times for certain.

Now we have, "No quid pro quo. No quid pro quo." Again being used by Trump endlessly as he attempts to escape from the charge that he colluded with the Ukrainians in an attempt to get them to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Until they agreed to do so, he ordered that the military assistance approved for them not be forthcoming. A classic example of quid pro quo. A coercive version.

Beyond revealing what's on his mind and about what he is obsessing, these incantations are in effect confessions--what's most on his mind is what he best knows to be the truth. He is tormented by the fact that he did collude; he did engage in a quid pro quo with the Ukrainians.

And thus we have, "No collusion. No collusion" and "No quid pro quo. No quid pre quo."

An unravelled Trump is incapable of exhibiting restraint. He, ironically, is also incapable of not revealing the truth while he spends so much time and energy on lying about and denying it. 

The deepest truths, in other words, find their way to the light.

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