Thursday, September 04, 2008

September 4, 2008--McCain's Cancer

Sorry, but after John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate, one heartbeat from the presidency as he and they say, we need to take a closer look than in the past at the state of his health.

In other words, specifically how many heartbeats away from being president might she be if he, God forbid, is somehow elected?

We know that Senator McCain had an aggressive form of frequently deadly melanoma. Key to understanding the virulence of this type of cancer is its potential to spread or recur. Perhaps overlooked is the medical evidence he supplied is the fact that it already did recur. This places him at much higher risk of additional recurrences in the future.

He has insisted that I maintain his anonymity, but in a discussion today with an eminent physician very experienced in these matters, I have been told that McCain has about a 70 percent chance of having a potentially fatal recurrence during the next five years.

And, I learned, that if there is a reappearance, a likely spot for cancers of this type is the brain; and, if that were to happen to John McCain, it might very effect his ability to make sound judgments since the part of the brain that might be the site for the occurrence controls rational processes.

I have nothing further to add for fear of seeming snide or unsympathetic.


Blogger Unknown said...

I have no such fear - since I am snide and unsympathetic - so let me add that while dementia is a plausible hypothetical, uncontrollable rage is an historical fact.

A military force capable of incinerating the planet might be entrusted to a man who calls his wife a "cunt". But not to one who does so in public.

September 04, 2008  
Blogger Steven Zwerling said...

It was my pleasure to tee it up for you!

September 05, 2008  

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