Thursday, August 01, 2019

August 1, 2019--Dem's Losing Strategy

Trump must be licking his abundant chops.

Here's what the most progressive Democrats are cooking up to confront him with--

Implement Medicare for All, claiming that it will cost middle-class people less for heath insurance because they will eliminate all expensive private plans. So most of the million who are currently insured via their employers will need to seek government-run alternative coverage. Many will have to find different doctors but it will be good. Trust us.

While they're at it they will "decriminalize" illegal border crossings and thereby make undocumented immigrants eligible for free health care as well as education benefits such as Pell Grants and student loans. It will be good. Trust us.

How this will be paid for isn't part of the discussion but we know it will cost trillions, most of which will be added to the debt. Taxing the top one percent isn't going to cover the cost of very much of this. As usual, average people will have to pick up the tab.

And never mind of course that none of this will find its way into legislation. Though as Elizabeth Warren said, why run for president if you are afraid to "think big."

I say why run for president if you aren't obsessed with defeating Trump, holding off on promoting policies the are politically tone deaf until after the election.

Trump must feel he died and went to heaven. All he has to do is make Warren and Sanders the face of the Democratic Party. Then there are AOC and her Squad colleagues ready to caricature.

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