Thursday, May 06, 2021

May 6, 2021--Genuflecting

We assume the reason Kevin McCarthy and Ted Cruz trek to Mar-a-Lago as often as possible is because they are running for president and are seeking the Former Guy's endorsement. He likes people who suck up to him and they are trying to get a head start on 2024 genuflecting.

But this is just half the reason they head to West Palm Beach.

Have you ever been to the River Oaks suburb of Huston, Texas? Or Bakersfield, California?

Both places are on very few lists of must-see cities. Quite the opposite. 

Bakersfield is Kevin McCarthy's hometown and River Oaks is where Ted Cruz lives. Both would prefer the White House, though they probably would settle for any of Trump's glitzy places.

Mar-a-Lago comes with its own private golf course and is where Melania is ensconced. And everything is literally gilded. 

Pretty attractive to two guys who come from god-forsaken places. 

This desire to get out of one's hometown likely also explains why so many members of Congress spend as much time on the road or at golf courses. Anything to get away from Nebraska or North Dakota

One thing that has worked well for Trump is his willingness to invite these men (and they are all men) into his life. Though I assume he can't stand them as people, his ambition has no limits ands so he'll hold his nose and woof down a rack of cheeseburgers with the senator from River Oaks.


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