Friday, April 16, 2021

April 16, 2021--The R-Key

It's bad enough I'm a two-finger hunt-and-peck typist, it's bad enough that my right hand is tremoring more and thus typing is difficult and writing almost impossible, to make matters worse, the r-key on my laptop has been working intermittently and this means I have to do a lot of searching to find the r's and then insert them one at a time before saving what I've written.

To boot, I am not good at dictation and a terrible speller.

To give you a sense of the magnitude of my r-problem, how many r's do you think were needed to make what I've just drafted coherent? Including those in this sentence?

Exactly 24.

If it was my karma that I needed to sacrifice a key, why not the x, u, or z key? How many z's do I ever need when writing these pieces?

Fed up with listening to my own complaining we broke down and bought a new computer.

Now I'm feeling the pressure to make good use of it. No more excuses when stalled out in my writing.


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