Thursday, July 23, 2020

July 23, 2020--Trump's War

Many on the left--me included--have assumed that close to Election Day, if he found himself slipping badly in the polls, a desperate Trump would start a war of distraction. 

Not a war with China or Russia or even Iran, but one of Reagan size--remember Grenada? A wag-the-dog sort of war. Just sufficient for Trump to rally enough voters to the cause to reelect him.

We may now be at that moment. Trump is losing to Biden among virtually all demographic subgroups and in all six key swing states. Trump is flailing around, having lost more than a full step.

His war may turn out to be one against America. Against the cities of America. Against cities with Democratic mayors. Against cities with large African-American populations.

Cities such as Portland, Oregon. Soon against Detroit and Philadelphia and Chicago and New York.

He calls it Operation Legend. I call it treason.

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