January 17, 2011--MLK Day
Just as I was feeling optimistic about America, that President Obama got it right in his remarkable speech when he reminded us that we have to act in ways worthy of our children--that they expect and deserve this--I made the mistake of listening to former House Majority leader Tom Delay (more recently of Dancing With the Stars fame) on Hardball. Why Chris Matthews had this now convicted and sentenced felon on his show is beyond me. I guess to pump up the ratings.
Matthews asked him what he thought about some congressmen saying they wanted to bring their handguns with them to the floor of Congress. Chuckling The Hammer (as he used to be called since he was so good at coercing Republicans to vote in lockstep) said "Why not. If they feel insecure. I see no reason not to."
On this weekend that commemorates Martin Luther King, who was murdered by an assassin with an unlicensed rifle, let us be thankful that Barack Obama is our president and has the ability to inspire us to think our way through the madness.
Tomorrow--another Snowbirding.
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