Friday, December 07, 2018

December 7, 2018--Off And Running

Below is a list of the 35 or so 2020 potential Democratic nominees for the presidency.

Does anyone look like a winner to you? I don't mean capable of winning the nomination but becoming president?

My favorite, Joe Biden, is approaching 100 and thus I am worried.

Alphabetical list of individuals who have expressed an interest in running for president:

The following people have been subjects of speculation about their potential candidacy within the last six months, although they have neither personally expressed interest nor declined to run:

You can use this as a scorecard, as I did, by crossing Duval Patrick's name off the list of contenders. He withdraw from consideration as I was working on this. I hope that's not a case of cause and effect.

More soon will begin to drop like flies and others, like New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, will declare. He, like almost all the others, has no chance, but running, going forward, can be good for one's brand.

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