Friday, May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020--Maine: From Away

This is from Jill Davenport, another good Maine friend. She is writing in response to what Mike Stevens said the other day about people "from away" returning to Maine for this virus-infected "season."

Hi Steven--

I just now read your blog and saw the picture of our Maine friend, Mike Stevens.  He lends the same sort of perspective about us summer residents as do some other friends of mine who live year-round near Pumpkin Cove.  They, too, have offered help during the two-week quarantine which we must all live through if coming from out-of-state.  

And they, as do Mike and Mary, have a friendly acceptance of us cottage dwellers and have given assurances that we are missed and welcome to return.  

Perhaps all of the caveats rolled out by the state apply to those who could be transient and careless, like the beach-goers on the southern NH beaches or the fools who crowd together in bars.  

Our Maine friends and acquaintances need us and the economic boost we bring.  Though no beaches for this girl.  

Think about Thrumcap Island in Johns Bay.  Think about Rona's honeysuckle and clematis and the pot holes in the road and then think about the sweetness of the simple life and the pleasure which this brings.  

We need Maine but Maine needs us too.  The effort to get there will be worth it.  Just ask the clematis.   

Love to you both.


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