Monday, July 05, 2021

July 5, 2021--Weaselburger

As much as we may be eager to see Him in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit, excited by the implications of last week's indictments in the case of Donald J. Trump, be careful about letting your hopes soar because it will likely be many months, even years before justice will be served.

That's just the way our system works when it comes to prosecuting a wealthy person for white collar crimes who wants to delay, delay, delay things. Run out the clock, as the TV lawyers like to sum up things.

So we may have to satisfy ourselves with stories about Trump's CFO, Allen Weaselburger, left twisting in the wind while assorted DAs and attorneys general attempt to get him to flip, to become the key witness in the Trump prosecution. 

Worse, it may turn out that Weaselburger is the one person who will take a bullet for Trump and without live corroborating witnesses (as opposed to documentary evidence) these kinds of tax fraud cases have a tendency to go nowhere.

Without the father, Fred, and the son, Donald, Weaselburger would be working for H&R Block in a Long Island mall.

So he might take a fall especially since even if convicted he would be likely to be sentenced to a year or two of hardish time.


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